Welcome to The Evangelical College of Theology and thank you for choosing us to be your centre of academic pursuit. TECT is a learner-centered Christian institution with an aim to help people work towards self-sufficiency and independence in the future and to help provide experiences and opportunities to help our graduates be successful.
Therefore our goal is to help you to be successful, both during the time of your course of study and after you graduate. The output of our students in the working world is a guarantee of the efficacy of our curriculum and what we offer at TECT. This is because we demonstrate a culture of quality and excellence, and a commitment to ensuring that high standards are achieved and maintained in all our academic programmes. We operate an integrated system for quality assurance and enhancement which makes an effective contribution to the achievement of the College’s Strategic Plan.
We take pride in the calibre of staff available at TECT and always see our service delivery agenda as a responsibility informed by conscience and a total call to duty. The maintenance and enhancement of the academic standards of the institution depend foremost on the commitment of all staff continually to evaluate and reflect on the quality of the educational experiences provided for students.
The College also understands the importance of keeping abreast with external developments and best practice in higher education and sees this as part of being a self-critical academic community which evaluates and enhances its quality assurance procedures to encourage that culture.
We are known for our excellence, we are chosen for our commitment to duty!
J.K. Sawo-Koroma (M.Phil, MGL)
Academic Dean